Friday, November 30, 2007

Christmas is approaching!!!

we are approaching the most wonderful time of the year!! Christmas!! I really can't tell you how much I love Christmas. I always have! And I find it very appropriate to write this, as tommorow is the first day of december, the beginning of the Christmas holidays. I love christmas trees, lights, decorations, buying and giving gifts, the food, the spirit, and the joy christmas brings to everyone. Some people let the stress of Christmas get the best of them. They need to just relax! Christmas is a time to enjoy yourself, lay back, and kick it with family and friends! Not worry yourself into a tizzy! My family gets into christmas waaaaay big! My dad decorates the outside of our house. This process usually involves lots of yelling and screaming. And the house, though my dad thinks it looks "spectacular", it really looks like the grizwald's house. When I last went home, I found two random light up polar bears in our front yard. They looked sooo tacky, i just had to laugh. Of course when I asked about them, my mom answered me with "Oh, I got them on sale." My dad loves those huge glass bulb lights. Completely out of date!! Those look like something out of a 70's Christmas movie! Then he mixes in the smaller, grid multi-colors, just in case the house didn't look ridiculous enough. Throw in some wreathes and you've got a very white trash christmas. My mom decorates the inside with those porcelin houses that light up from the inside. She calls it her "snow village." It actually looks really pretty. Does anyone remember those advent calendars where you open up the doors and there is a piece of chocolate behind each door? We always had those, and I really miss them! I might have to buy one and put it on the wall in my dorm room. I can't wait to get back to Nashville so I can go to Opryland hotel! For those of you who don't know what that is, it is the largest hotel in the nation that doesn't have a casino inside. And that hotel is decorated floor to ceiling come christmas time! Walking through that place is like a Winter Wonderland! This year for Christmas, I am asking for a pink digital camera, money, giftcards and clothes, I need more ideas on what to ask for!!

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